Are Shower Doors Safe?



8-217x300 Are Shower Doors Safe?

Shower Door Glass

Many homes that had been built in the 80’s have shower screens made of plate or regular glass which poses a high risk in terms of safety and health. Since the enactment of the current Australian glazing standards, these had been deemed sub-standard making it known to the public that these are serious health risks within the home.


The Australian glazing standard had lowered the risks by quite a number of percentage through the use of tempered glass, and in some cases, the use of laminated glass. This type of glass is now used for doors, as well as exterior sliding doors.


Shower Doors And Glass


Doors are always moving to let someone in or out. It is important that they are kept working all the time!


Glass shower doors are usually made of laminated or tempered glass, but it is not always the case. If the glass door had been made prior to 1989, then there is a high probability that it is made of plate or regular glass. The Australian standard of AS1288/2206 includes regulations that pertain to glazing that is installed in hazardous areas including the bathroom. There are certain rules that are included within the set standards that ensure the safety of the users and the rest who move around in areas with glass.


Each pane of glazing which includes glass on shower doors, should have a manufacturer’s designation that specifies the one who had applied the classification, the glass type, as well as the specific glazing standard it complies to. This designation should be seen even after installation. The classification of the glass should be sandblasted or etched right onto the glass. Other formats that are non-reusable can also be used. However, this designation is not needed in non-safety glass.


Every homeowner should know about these guidelines accorded by the Australian glazing standard. If these designations are not present, then the homeowner needs to know what type of glass was used in his glass shower door.


Broken Glass Liability


Ignorance is never an excuse! It is for that reason that it is a homeowner’s responsibility if someone gets injured by any hazard risk. A homeowner should make sure that his showers, as well as bathrooms, are equipped to the fullest with modern, compliant safety glass.


Glass shower doors or any other glass that gets broken can be a cause for severe injuries like lacerations, damage to the organs and even death. Hazard levels are high when it comes to the bathroom because it usually has wet floors that may cause slipping, and the shower door is often exposed to water that could damage its operational components.


How Safe Are Safety Glass Doors


Many stories from the news, as well as print and internet articles, have touched on the dangers of having glass doors in showers. This is in relation to the use of plate glass that represents a highly known shattering risk when broken. There are also times when safety glass shower doors may shatter or explode. However, the difference in the manufacturing process of safety glass may lower this health hazard.


Nothing can totally prevent shattering glass shower doors and the injuries it may cause. Fortunately, there are steps that homeowners can follow to increase the safety in the bathroom. This is most especially helpful to bathrooms with glass shower doors.


  • No horse playing in the bathroom and places where there are glass doors.
  • Always be sure to supervise little children whenever there are glass doors, as well as shower areas.
  • Regularly check the seals, bolts, and the panels on the glass shower doors. Ensure that the fittings and fasteners are fit and installed correctly.
  • Ensure that the glass doors would not touch metal objects or the walls when it is moved.
  • Regularly check for chips, cracks, and other signs of wear and tear. If there are any sign of these, get the glass replaced at once!
  • Avoid putting weight on glass shower doors and the grab bars. Putting pressure on them could cause the glass shower door to shatter.


Always remember that nothing can stop accidents in the home from happening. It can happen at any time. However, being aware and doing regular inspection can lower down the risks and keep everyone safe!

Jim’s Glass can provide you with a complimentary inspection if you have any doubts as to the type of glass you have in your shower door. Jim’s Glass provides a 24 hour emergency glass replacement service in the event you damage your shower glass. Simply call 131 546 and let Jim’s take care of the rest.