If your house had been built prior to 1989, you would need to change the glass that had been installed according to glass safety standards. Annealed or plate broken glass is something that is very dangerous. Many families, as well as establishments, had faced lawsuits due to injuries that have been incurred because of sub-standard glass used in their homes’ or business’ structures. These incidents can be foreseen and as a responsible home or business owner, thinking about safety will put your mind the hazards of sub-standard glass.
This Can Happen
At a small town, some children were playing when glass went flying as a baseball went through the window and injured a 5-year old boy. This incident could have been prevented as the homeowners were aware that the house had been built prior to the ‘new’ glass safety standards.
A man wanted to buy a pair of trousers at a downtown store. He looked through the shopfront and decided to go in. He accidentally walked into a glass panel and down came a broken glass. A long and terrible lawsuit had ensued, and could have been prevented if the business owner used safety glass. The business owner had been fined, as well as paid for attorney’s fees and damages to the man.
Prevention Is Better Than Cure
All of these ‘accidents’ could have been prevented. So if you want to make sure that no one gets injured, replace those old glass! Ensure that safety glass is installed in the home or business areas. If you allow old glass to stay within your home or business, the more you are allowing incidence of accidents. Make a big change! Replace old, plate and annealed glass with safety glass now.
Jim’s Glass is the most trusted name in Adelaide, Fleurieu Peninsula, and Melbourne. Call 131 546 and get your free measure and quote!