Glass Replacement

3 Design and Renovation Trends for 2018

We’ve scoured the home renovations and interior design websites and the consensus is in. If you’re looking to update, overhaul or innovate your home this year here are three renovation trends you can expect to see over the next 12 months.

  1. Embracing self-expression

The past few years has been all about the minimalist aesthetic in design and renovation, which has its merits, however, the by-product of this has been a whole lot of homes that have the same look with no personality.  Somewhere along the line minimalism evolved from being minimalist in a unique way to minimalist in a conformed way. So we see Instagram filled with the same cookie cutter minimalist design and renovation trends.

Consumers are starting to reject having to conform to this particular look and are instead choosing to express themselves with materials that can be personalised. With innovations in glass printing, we are seeing glass used in new ways and emerge as a new design and renovation trend for 2018.

Some of the ways consumers are using glass to express themselves include: front doors, dining room table tops, splashbacks and feature walls in bathrooms. Glass is durable, tough, and versatile material making it a great design and renovation option to show personality and style.

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Pixelgraphic Glass Front door

Pixagraphic-splashback 3 Design and Renovation Trends for 2018

Pixelgraphic Glass Splash back

  1. Texture and mixed materials

In the past design and renovation trends have focused on a central material.  Kitchen designs, in particular, have seen trends in timber, laminate, polyurethane, granite, marble, glass, Caesar stone and tiles, generally used in standard ways.

The design and renovation trends for 2018 see kitchen design blending and layering a mix of these organic materials to add texture and depth in new and contemporary ways.

For example, instead of using glass only for splashbacks, glass is being used for cabinetry and cupboards. It’s versatile in the multitude of styles it provides from clear glass to coloured glass to printed glass. It also works well in combination with other materials too, allowing for depth, texture, flexibility and self-expression.

kitchen-cupboards 3 Design and Renovation Trends for 2018

Glass Fronted Kitchen Cupboards and Table Top

  1. Insulation and comfort

With the rising energy rates, everyone is talking about their energy bills. Most homes already have ceiling and wall insulation installed, however, this is not enough to make a comfortable home. Using air-conditioning as a Band-Aid solution to alleviate the heat or cold is also no longer a solution with the rising energy rates. In 2018 the most important design and renovation trend will include the replacement of glass within windows and doors with high performing energy efficient glass which will provide enhanced insulation for homes.

This will make homes more comfortable and less reliant on air conditioning. This is because most homes currently are built using 3mm of glass which does not provide much protection between you and the elements. This is also why homes will always have issues with heat gain and heat loss through windows and doors unless something is done about it.

Replacing the glass in your windows and doors and is one of the easiest design and renovation trends you can apply in 2018.